Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month: Tips on How To Create a More Inclusive Environment

As we celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month this March, it’s important to realize that small changes can make a big impact. From creating sensory-friendly spaces to respecting different communication styles, we can all better support individuals with developmental disabilities.

Here are some simple tips on how we can create a more inclusive space for people with developmental disabilities:

Use respectful language

Not sure what language to use? Simply ask, rather than assume. Some people prefer identity-first language (e.g., autistic person), while others prefer person-first language (e.g., person with autism).

Advocate for Inclusion and Educate Yourself

Promote environments that embrace individuals with developmental disabilities through sensory accommodations, flexible schedules and alternate communication options.

Breakdown the barriers. Learn what you can do to help the developmental disability community then share the experience with others.

Create Welcoming Sensory-Friendly Spaces

Loud noises and bright lights can be overwhelming. In those moments, creating quiet spaces (e.g., offering noise-canceling headphones) or reducing harsh lighting can make individuals with I/DD more comfortable.

Rethinking Interactions

Understand individuals with I/DDs may not make eye contact, engage in small talk or respond to normal social cues. Shift your mindset and be patient when learning the different ways to communicate and connect.