Article | August 2, 20235 Ways Paraprofessionals Can Drive Better Client Care How paraprofessionals can up their skills and drive better individual care Read article
Article | May 23, 2023One Size Doesn’t Fit All A diverse array of needs requires new thinking and new treatment options to better support people with developmental disabilities. Given the expanding autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and the introduction of parity laws to better support people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DDs), we are seeing a wide range of needs and an opportunity to … Read article
Article | March 6, 2023Seeing the Big Picture For clients with developmental disabilities and their families, it can be challenging to find the right level of care and support—especially with today’s current practices. Often, they are faced with a disjointed care journey and inconsistent outcomes. Traditional approaches to care may exacerbate these problems as treatment can be shaped without considering the variety of … Read article
In the news | January 24, 2023Catalight Expands Pilot Study in Partnership with Awake Labs Awake Labs has announced the expansion of its pilot program with Catalight, a California-based social enterprise working to create a more equitable world so people with developmental disabilities can choose their own path. The expanded pilot goal is to assess the feasibility of a smartwatch-enabled technology that measures stress and strong emotions in real-time for … Read News
White paper | June 27, 2022Top Trends in Behavioral Health for Payers 7 insights that are shaping access, quality and value. Read White Paper
White paper | June 27, 2022Access, Quality and Value Payer strategies leading to new AQV in behavioral health. Read White Paper
Case study | May 25, 2022Proven Leader in Behavioral Health Provides Timely Access to Care For clients with developmental disabilities and their families, it can be challenging to find the right level of care and support — especially with today’s current practices. Often, they are faced with a disjointed care journey and inconsistent outcomes. But with an experienced, results-driven partner, they can receive effective client-centered treatments that meets them where they are. Read case study
Case study | May 20, 2022Flexible Treatment Options Offer Families Peace of Mind Limited treatment options restrict client choice and access. Catalight offers evidence-based, flexible, and parent-mediated ABA treatments, empowering families and improving outcomes. Read case study